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Is it possible to get the API key without submitting my card information? Seems a bit dangerous regardless of Email privacy..

You only need an email address. You can get an email address without any personally identifying info at tutamail


If i do too much research, the text extends off the bottom of the box and i can't get to the continue button at the end

Thanks for the info! I'll add scrolling for that popup to the next update. 


Do you need developers to help?

I've been doing eveything solo so far but I'm happy to discuss collaboration.


I won the fight, but my end went to 0 during the 3 turn window, and after about 7 turns, it still hasn't ended

Hmm... I'm not sure how that would happen. When you say you won, did you receive a "You Won!" Message or did you see the enemy health bar go to zero? If it was the health bar (red) that doesn't actually end the fight, it only puts the opponent in a "Downed" state where they are at a disadvantage. You only win when  your opponent's stamina goes to 0 and they have no Huanjing left.

If you did receive a "You Won!" Message or fully depleted the opponent stamina but the match still isn't ending, can you check Application->BattleGameDB->data->victoryTimer and Application->BattleGameDB->data->combatState->opponentEndurance in the dev console? These variables manage the end of the fight.

Also, did you reload the game while there was a popup open?

it was a health to 0 with the 'scene will end in 3 turns' message (which could be another issue if that wasn't supposed to happen), the next turn she depleted my stamina, which prompted a 'you lose, scene will end in 3 turns' then around 7 turns later with the fight carrying on as normal, nothing state-change related happened

Huh. Without more debugging info I can't be sure. I can't replicate it and I don't see a way this could have happened but I could be missing something.

(2 edits) (+1)

I didn't test full release but would it make any sense for the button to be inactive if you haven't hit the trigger yet?  I also didn't understand how the percentage number works for turns taken, or for the health/endurance difference if it's saying you're at x% of opponent's stat, or x% less than (as in is the calculation PC / OP <= x or (OP - PC) / OP >= x).

Oh and is the power of your full release based on the percentage it triggers at?  That seemed like how it would work but I don't remember if the help text specifies it.

(2 edits)

You shouldn't be able to choose Full Release without hitting the trigger. There should be a popup telling you this and it should be impossible to submit text if you select Full Release without meeting the condition. 

With respect to the thresholds, it's a bit of a mess right now. I need to figure out a way to manage the different types of conditions without the explanation being extremely verbose, but also without it being ambiguous, as you point out. For turns, if you put in 5 you need to progress 5 turns. For differences it is currently the difference in raw values.

What the threshold does is influence the narrator's decision of whether to nerf your power or not. It is prompted to assess how OP your proposed ability is against some examples of fair powers, and part of the assessment is how restrictive the condition is--more restrictive gives you a higher ceiling for the release ability.

Thanks for all the great feedback, by the way!

(1 edit)

For the thresholds you could have a set of options instead of any number, which could also help keep it from needing to verbosely explain everything.  E.g.

Turns - Turn 3, Turn 5, Turn 10, Turn 15

Health - <25%, <50%, <75%, <100%

And you're welcome

I have Mei Mei at zero health and endurance and the description from the AI seems to be that the match is over, but it's not moving to the next match.  Either side going to zero health also seems to not do anything, I was able to keep taking turns after if the idea is that you're stunned for a few turns.

The match should end after 3 turns. The idea was to give the player time to finish the scene, but it should be signposted more clearly.

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Oh right, that was in the initial explanation.  My health reached zero in the middle of the match though, so I'm wondering if that should have a more obvious effect as well.  Maybe give emptying it a bigger effect and then restore it to full once the effect is over?

Also while in the post-match phase you still need to hit attack or pleasure to submit prompts, which seems wrong.


Immediately, there is a lot thrown at the player, a large tutorial section is much needed, to understand the basic structure. 

Thank you for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Attempting to submit a prompt:

components.js:2579 Error executing action for button submit-button: ReferenceError: plot is not defined     at Object.updateText [as submit-button] (components.js:5677:26)     at async HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (components.js:2573:21) (anonymous)    @    components.js:2579</anonymous>

I've pushed an update that should fix this. 

Seems to have fixed it, thanks.

(1 edit)

The narrator doesn't respond and the game doesn't work, I'm using a cohere API key that works on your other games

I've pushed an update that should fix this. Are you selecting a Key Action (Attack, Pleasure, Full Release) before clicking submit?