Demo Released!

Hi everybody,

I'm doing something a little different with this game and releasing a demo before completing the game. I'd like to get more feedback before I put out a finished product.

Ever since seeing the La Blue Girl OVAs many years ago I've thought sex combat was an interesting and underutilized trope. This game is an attempt to translate that into the engine I'm building. This has been an opportunity to incorporate a bunch of new functionality, including:

  • Complex NPC logic to complement the LLM generated narration. Every fight is highly curated while still allowing for open-ended interaction, unlike the interactions in my previous games, which have all been almost completely emergent and player driven.
  • RPG combat style interactions with stats and resources being managed by game logic rather than the LLM.
  • Chain-of-thought reasoning to stop players from bullying the narrator into breaking the game.
  • Player-defined abilities whose power is constrained by the narrator, allowing for player freedom while maintaining game balance.

My hope is that the game allows players to have interesting and creative interactions with the NPCs, co-creating scenes they never would have thought of just messing with a chatbot.

Files Play in browser
Version 12 39 days ago Play in browser
Version 3 42 days ago

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